Posted on: 2023/03/06

Disclaimer: This blog post was written by a human author , and AI was used only for grammatical fixes and proofreading purposes. No part of the content was generated by AI.

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AI (2001)

As someone who works with technology and development on a daily basis, I have been amazed by the recent advancements in artificial intelligence. ChatGPT, for example, has become the current hype and people already forgot about NFTs. I even use it for my daily development issues. It even fixed a bug for me where I couldn't find any relevant solution in GitHub and Stack Overflow.

However, while AI has certainly made our lives easier and more efficient in many ways, there is a growing concern about the impact it may have on our trust in what we read and see online.

AI, AI Everywhere…

One area where AI has a particularly significant impact is creating digital content. With tools like GPT-3 and others, AI can generate high-quality text (ChatGPT), images (Mid-Journey), videos (Synthesia), and other types of content that are virtually indistinguishable from those created by us, humans! This means that blog posts, social media posts, advertisements, and other content we see day to day, may not actually be made by a human at all, but rather, by an AI-operated system.

Where’s the authenticity?

While this technology has many potential benefits, it also raises important ethical and societal questions. For one, it may lead to a loss of trust in the authenticity and creativity of the content we consume online. If people start to feel that much of what they see and read is generated by AI rather than humans, then they may become less engaged and more sceptical of the information they encounter online. This has so far happened to me too! I mean, how can one be sure that even this very text is written by me and not ChatGPT 😲?

Additionally, the use of AI-generated content will have significant implications for journalism, blogging and the media. If AI can create news articles or blog posts about a technology or a framework or whatever, it could further reduce the role of human writers and the traditional gatekeeping function of the media. This could have serious consequences for the accuracy and quality of information we receive.

Another concern is that the use of AI-generated content could worsen the existing inequalities and biases in society. If AI is trained on biased data sets or programmed with certain assumptions, which I believe, based on only hearings, recently even happened, it may reproduce and amplify those biases in the content it creates. This could further entrench inequality and worsen the social and political tensions we already have.

But what should we do?

First, I think, is the fact that we need to acknowledge and engage with the ethical and social implications of AI-generated content faster than we consume it. This means having open and transparent discussions about the potential risks and benefits of this technology and involving a diverse range of stakeholders in those discussions.

Second, we need to invest in education and awareness-raising efforts to help people understand how AI works and how to critically evaluate the content they encounter online. (Now I’m thinking of Professor Dave’s efforts to do this, as an example) This includes promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills to help people distinguish between content created by humans and content generated by AI.

Finally, It is crucial that writers using these tools are transparent about the fact that their content is generated by AI. One way to encourage writers and bloggers to be more transparent about their use of AI-generated content is to create a set of industry standards and guidelines that outline best practices for disclosure. These standards could require that any content created with AI tools include a disclaimer indicating that it was generated by an AI system.

Another approach would be to develop a certification program for example for content creators who use AI tools. This program could require participants to meet certain criteria, such as demonstrating a commitment to transparency and ethical content-creation practices. Certification could serve as a signal to readers that the content they are consuming is trustworthy and created responsibly.

Ultimately, the key is to promote transparency and accountability in the use of AI tools for content creation. By doing so, we can help ensure that readers can trust the content they are consuming and that the benefits of AI are realized in a responsible and ethical manner.


The rise of AI in content creation has the potential to transform the way we consume and engage with information online. While this technology offers many benefits, it also poses significant ethical and social challenges that must be addressed. By engaging in open and transparent discussions, investing in education and awareness-raising, and promoting ethical standards for AI-generated content, we can help ensure that this technology is developed and used in ways that benefit society as a whole.

I hope this post has given you a deeper view of the potential benefits and risks of AI-generated content. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so please feel free to leave a comment below.

Yours Sincerely, Aien.